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Corner of Eyes (Crow's Feet)Wrinkles

Lines around the eyes start as dry skin that loses its' elasticity and progress to creases in the muscles at the corner of the eyes.


If you see wrinkles starting to appear at the corners of your eyes be proactive; moisturize religiously and smooth the skin with Frownies Corner of Eyes and Mouth Facial Patch*.


Before crow's feet become deep stop them with anti-wrinkle treatment and skin moisturizer Immune Perféct and FROWNIES' Facial Patch.



Frownies Patches for the corners of eyes and mouth (144 pieces)

SKU: Frownies-CEM.-
  • Crow’s feet that have been there some time and are deep into the muscle where you can feel the wavy muscle need to be separated by gently lifting the cheek and applying a CEM patch over the smoothed out skin.


    Apply the patch and leave it on at least three hours, but over night is best. After removing the patch in the morning Immune Shield is a wrinkle softening vitamin E serum to build back skin integrity.

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